Melanjutkan Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Beserta Jawaban bagian kedua (soal nomor 16-25), soal Ujian akhir semester satu b.Inggris kelas 11 bagian ketiga dimulai dari soal nomor 26.
26. Sofyan : Excuse me sir, Do you mind I have some question first?
Teacher : No, not at all, …. Please ….
The underlined expression is used to ….
a. interrupting politely
b. asking for clarification
c. asking for questions
d. responding to idea/opinion
e. suggestion
Answer: c
27. Tourist : Wow … what a wonderful key holder!
How did you make it?
Seller : Oh, I’II explain later, but do you want to buy it?
The expression underlined is used to say ….
a. asking for opinion
b. giving instruction
c. starting out
d. asking for intructions
e. disagreement
Answer: c
28. Old man : Excuse me sir, do you know the nearest post office around here?
Policemen : Sure, first, turn left of this block then go straight about one hundred metres. And the post office is on the right. You can’t miss it.
The underlined expression is used to say ….
a. asking for opinion
b. giving instruction; sequencing
c. starting out
d. asking for instructions
e. giving order
Answer: b
Pembahasan: ungkapan pada soal yang digarisbawahi merupakan sebuah instruksi (pemberian petunjuk)
29. Anton : Well, the first step is boils the water. The next step, pour the powder into the water and don’t forget to ….
Santo : All right, let me remember from beginning, first ….
The underlined expression is used to say ….
a. continuing
b. starting out
c. giving introduction
d. asking for instructions
e. agreement
Answer: a
30. Which expression below is to express satisfying?
a. I am bored, I need something satisfying .
b. All want the eats doesn’t satisfy his starve.
c. I am really satisfied with your work.
d. At first, spell your name then me your phone numbers.
e. I am dissatisfied.
Answer: c
Pembahasan: kalimat c adalah kalimat yang menunjukkan rasa puas
31. I thanked the women … helped her
a. who
b. whose
c. whom
d. which
e. where
Answer: a
32. The book …. Is on the table is mine
a. who
b. whose
c. whom
d. which
e. where
Answer: d
33. The movie …. Saw last night wasn’t very good.
a. whom
b. where
c. that
d. whose
e. who
Answer: c
34. I know the man … bicycle was stolen.
a. where
b. whose
c. who
d. that
e. which
Answer: b
35. I’II never forget the day … I met you.
a. where
b. whose
c. when
d. which
e. who
Answer: c
Pembahasan: when merupakan keterangan tentang waktu
36. The building … he live is very old.
a. who
b. whose
c. when
d. where
e. whom
Answer: d
Pembahasan: where merupakan keterangan tentang tempat
37. She is the woman … I told you.
a. whom
b. whose
c. where
d. when
e. which
Answer: a
38. Mr. Catt has a painting … valve is cheap.
a. whom
b. whose
c. where
d. that
e. when
Answer: b
39. The student …. Composition I read writes well
a. whom
b. when
c. where
d. whose
e. who
Answer: d
40. The scientist … we ment yesterday is well-known for her research.
a. whom
b. where
c. when
d. whose
e. which
Answer: a
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Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Beserta Jawaban Part-3
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Maret 20, 2020
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